Sunday, February 25, 2007

Update: This IS Going Too Far

Well it seems we do have a few intelligent people left in the world. The Circuit Court Judge in charge of the case ruled even though Michigan law doesn't explicitly define sex with a dead animal as a crime, but he does say that the sodomy law is to actually protect society and to prevent people from acting like animals themselves. This now has been upheld by two courts the District and now Circuit. It seems that they should just get on with the trial. The Judge also upheld the indecent exposure charge. The Judge wrote that it was irrelevant whether the patch of woods was public or private, there was a substantial risk someone would see him. Ya think!!!
Oh and by the way the guy was also ordered to undergo a second psychiatry exam.

I would lie to thank all of you that have commented about this and I will keep you all up to date on what is happening.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

This Is Going Too Far!

Ok I give up. Now I have heard everything! For you squeamish readers you may not want to read any further.

Don't say I didn't warn you!!!

Well in my neck of the woods we have this so called human being that got himself arrested for having sex with a dead dog! He was charged with sodomy and indecent exposure, and being a sexual delinquent person, along with resisting and obstructing. He faces up to life in prision. YES! I wrote dead dog.
It seems that he was a bit out of it when confronted in the woods behind a school. YES I said behind a school. What in the hell is this world coming too?? This happened back in October of 2006 and is now going to court. Oh readers you haven't heard the best of it yet. It seems that his court-appointed attorney is arguing that the charges should be dropped. YES I said dropped. Why you ask?? Well I'll tell you why.
She states that the police should have not arrested him on having sex with the dead dog or indecent exposure. Her argument is that the dog was dead, and once dead you no longer have what is known as an animal. The dog is dead so it is inanimate, it's not with spirit or soul. She says that therefore it is not criminal to perform a sex act with it. It would be like having sex with a plastic doll. Well all know it is not a criminal offense to have sex with a plastic doll or for that matter even for rubbing yourself with a bone. She goes on to say that plastic is made of fossil fuels, which is decomposed animal matter. So then everyone would be subject to arrest for having sex with the doll. She says yes heinous, but not a crime!
On the indecent exposure charge she contends that the man had no intentions to be seen so he shouldn't be charged with indecent exposure, he had an expectation or privacy. Yea right!!!
So I guess in her eyes we should just let this thing go! Let him back out on the streets. Oh and by the way he has a girlfriend. It was her dog!!!

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Thursday, February 22, 2007


Ok now I have heard everything!! This morning I watched Dateline NBC that I recorded earlier. You know the ones titled "To catch a Predator". Well they were in Murphy, Texas doing their thing. I am so glad that they are showing all of this so the perverts can see they will be caught!!! Well lo and behold they get a 59 year old Prosecuting Attorney to start chatting and sending pictures to what he believes to be a 13 year old boy. He doesn't take the full bait and go to the house, but in Texas just sending the perverted pictures to a minor is a felony. The police get a warrant and go to his house to arrest him. He takes the chickens way out and kills himself to save the citizens of Murphy (the tax payers) money on a trial. In his house the police find three computers that they were unable to see what was on the drives because they were locked in such a way that they had to be sent to a special company to find out the contents. They think that what is on those computers could be worse than what they went there to arrest him for in the first place, but they really don't know.
We find out later that his sister goes to the town council and complains to them that they should not have allowed all of this to happen! That they have acted reckless and that her brother is a victim! She also blames Dateline NBC for this. He never came to the house. He didn't even know Dateline was involved. Can you believe this sh*t??? All right I do feel sad for her loss and I do grieve for the family but wtf this so called man was trying to have sex with a young boy! His sister is upset that they caught him. She says that Dateline is responsible for his death. I think that the responsibility lies with his own actions! How can one blame anyone but the brother who committed suicide. The show before this one also had a few towns people go to the town council and complain. They said they didn't want perverts gathering in their town. Well guess what people they are there, and they are all around us. They just look like you and me. They don't have big letters on their foreheads that tell you what they are. You wouldn't know one if he or she came up to you on the street. They could be any age or sex. Yes! I did say any sex. You just don't hear of many females as perverts but they are out there.
I for one am glad that Dateline NBC is out there along with the company called Perverted Justice catching these so called people. I wish they would come to my neck of the woods. I would be glad to let them use my house anytime they want to. Wouldn't any parent???
Well I'll get off my so called soapbox as my wife calls it that I am on now and go back to my regular posts. I will leave the Rants label open for more because I do get on my soap box once in a while.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday Whyisms

Ever Wonder?
  • Why is it that whenever you get a little extra money something breaks and what it costs to fix or replace is more than what you had extra?
  • Why is it that your dog never wants to go outside when you do?
  • Why is it that the phone always rings the minute you step in the shower?
  • Why is it when you go to the movies you always sit next to the person who chews with their mouth open?
  • Why is it when you go fishing you hear "You should of been here yesterday"?
  • Why is it that when the price of gas goes down your tank is always full?
  • Why is it that when you finally fall to sleep the dog barks?
  • Why is it the candy machine is out of order when you want something?
  • Why is it the person in line in front of you always gets the last newspaper?
  • Why is it that the stop light always turns red when you get to the intersection?


Friday, February 16, 2007

Why Is It?

Here are a few things that I have been wondering about. I think I will be posting more every Wednesday.

  • Why is it you can always think of a great thing to post, only when you are away from your computer?
  • Why is it that no one is ever interested in going out with you until you have some one to go out with? Then everyone is dying to go out with you.
  • Why is it you never remember why you went to the store until after you get back home?
  • Why is it when one thing goes wrong, every thing goes wrong?
  • Why is it that when you buy the house of your dreams, the house of your dreams goes up for sale?
  • Why is it that you always have one left over sock in the clothes basket?
  • Why is it that you always fall asleep during the good part of the T.V. show you are watching?
  • Why is it that everyone else has thought of your great ideas before you?
  • Why is it that when you are in a hurry the light is always red?
  • Why is it your boss never tells you how good you're doing, but how bad you did?
  • Why is it that when you take that big swig of milk it is usually always sour?

There you have it my first crack at WHYISMS hope to bring you more Wednesday.


Friday, February 09, 2007

A little Crazy

Hmmmmm!!! Don't you think that you have to be just a little bit crazy to want to be strapped into a tin can, have way more explosives under you then you can imagine, and then let them set it off and propel you into outer space?? I was just wondering. Now they are evaluating Lisa Nowak, you know the woman that drove over 900 miles from Texas to Florida in a diaper to bitch slap her rival. To see if she is crazy or not. What is even more crazy is that they charged her with attempted murder! They found in her car "rubber tubing, a hammer and a garbage bag" I think you could pull over any construction worker and find a lot more incriminating evidence than that. Granted she did pepper spray Colleen Shipman in her car. What I can't see is where is the attempted murder. Why didn't she use the hammer or the rubber tubing?

In other news I feel so sad that the T.V. Entertainment News Shows won't have Anna Nicole Smith to pick on anymore. I am really sad about hearing of her death. I feel sorry for her loved ones, especially her baby daughter Dannielynn. I just find it really odd that her and her son both just up and died like that. Go figure!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ice Box

Wow it's cold outside. Yes I know that our friends up north have it much colder than I do but Wow! Still it is below zero for the 4th night in a row. It doesn't get any warmer during the day so I am told either. I work midnights so I am sleeping during the daytime. They say it is going to warm up in a few days up in the double digits! It isn't much but it will do.
I have been reading a few blogs with co-worker problems. I think this is a growing problem also. Last week I ask my co-worker to do something and I would do the other . Guess what? Yea you guessed it I found out tonight that he was doing the exact opposite of what I had asked. You ask why would I care, well I 'll let you know. He is a new hire and had only been employed with our company a few months and he is just learning. You would think that he would listen and do what was asked of him while he is trying to learn the job. I am suppose to instruct him on what to do until he has it down. We tells me tonight that we should do it his way because change is good. Heck why bother with what we have been dong the past 15 years. The new guy knows what is best. I tried to explain how things are done and who we have to answer to and he tells me that we need to change. How are you suppose to instruct some one with that type of attitude? We are getting farther and farther behind in our duties and I couldn't figure out why until tonight. It is not that I wasn't willing to listen to him and do it his way. It is because a few years ago when I was the new guy I tried to do it his way and it didn't work. We got the same results. When I tried to explain that to him he told me that Well we'll just have to try it again. GO figure!!
My wife and I are going to the HOUSE OF BLUES in Chicago for St. Paddy's Day again this year. A really good Irish Band Gaelic Storm is playing there. They were there last year and they were awesome. They were in Bay City last fall and we saw them at the State Theater. That theater only held about 150 people and it was like they were in our own home. We sat only about 10 feet away from them. My wife is Irish and I am of Polish decent. My sister-in-law lives in Chicago so we have a place to stay. She works in the Sears Tower and lives in Printers Row in a nice Condo.

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Friday, February 02, 2007

100 Things About Me

1. I have been married 3 times.
2. 1st time for 7 years.
3. 2nd time for 15 years.
4. 3rd time(is a charm) is still going strong for 6 years.
5. I love my wife very much.
6. My children are both adults now.
7. Both are girls ages 30 and 22.
8. Both from my 1st marriage.
9. I have 3 step children.
10. 2 boys 21 and 17, 1 girl 19.
11. None of our children live at our house.
12. I have 2 grandsons from my 30 year old daughter.
13. My 22 year old is working on her masters.
14. Wife and I both work full time.
15. I live in the same town I grew up in.
16. I have been all over the eastern sea board.
17. Farthest west I have been is Appleton WI
18. I love visiting Washington DC.
19. I have been there 14 times.
20. I have never been over seas.(I hope this changes soon (United Kingdom)).
21. I have owned 3 house in my life time.
22. I have moved only 7 times in my life.
23. I was a Fire Officer for 11 years.
24. I was Fire Chief for 1 year.
25. I was a EMT.
26. I am burnt out from the last 3 above.
27. I still wouldn't hesitate to help someone in trouble no mater what.
28. I currently work as a Skilled Tradesman.
29. I am a jack of all trades and a master at none.
30. I work midnights. (don't like it though).
31. I have season tickets to the Detroit Tigers.
32. Last year (2006) was the first time I had the above.
33. I get these so I can take my father.
34. I enjoy watching a good movie.
35. Chick flick or not.
36. I enjoy watching people.
37. I currently have a huge Salt & Pepper Shaker collection that was my Grandmothers.
38. Over 900 sets.
39. They are currently for sale.
40. I will use the money to help build my wood shop.
41. Both my parents are still alive.
42. We are very close.
43. I am remolding my home with my wife.
44. One room at a time.
45. I broke my leg once.
46. Didn't have insurance.
47. Needed an operation to set it correctly.
48. Took 5 years to pay for it.
49. I am a middle child.
50. It only makes me stronger.
51. I still play on a softball team.
52. Can't wait to play in the summer time.
53. Playing softball is how I broke my leg.
54. I read truewifeconfessions every chance I get.
55. I think this helps me make a better husband.
56. I enjoy reading peoples blogs.
57. The color of my eyes change almost daily.
58. I am a romantic at heart.
59. I fear death.
60. I hit a girl in 4th grade.
61. I swore I would never hit another again.
62. I have kept that promise.
63. I would do anything for my family.
64. I have 3 dogs.
65. I have 2 cats.
66. I ware glasses.
67. This I have done since the 6th grade.
68. I was never in the service.
69. I have an associates degree in computer applications.
70. I earned my degree at the age of 45.
71. I have never been arrested.
72. I would love to live in Florida.
73. I hate the cold. It is currently -1 degree f. Wind chill of -30 f.
74. There are 6 men with the same name as me (first and last) that I know of.
75. We all live in the same county.
76. We were all in the same religion school when I was 6 years old.
77. Only one was related to me.
78. In 11th grade we played against each other in football.
79. I was offense.
80. he was defense.
81. He was way much better than me.
82. We won.
83. He is a pro fisherman now.
84. I have been on TV many times from my previous occupation(Fire Chief).
85. My wife is my best friend.
86. My lucky number is 9.
87. I has been since as long as I can remember.
88. I am afraid of spiders.
89. My x-wife use to kill them for me.
90. My wife now is more afraid of them then me.
91. I now kill them for her.
92. I am allergic to penicillin.
93. I drive a Pontiac Vibe.
94. I live at the end of a dead end road.
95. I need people to like me.(I don't know why this is)
96. I love to drive.
97. I use to live behind a golf course before that was the in thing.
98. I stopped smoking in 1993.
99. I have never heard anyone say a bad word against my father.
100. I worry that no one will read this.


New Blogger

Well I have switched to the new Blogger. Hows that for a fresh start?? I don't see much different from old Blogger but I guess it is for the best. I thought I would do it now before Blogger Hijacks my old style blog.

New and Improved (A New Direction)

Well after a long dry spell and a few ideas later I have decided to erase the previous entries and start fresh. I have looked at a lot of blogs, I lurk daily at more than I care to tell. I hope I can post as often as most of the bloggers that I do read and I hope I have just as interesting things to write. Most of the time I will be using my blog to vent and relay my feelings about life, marriage, remodeling our 1935 Cape Cod style home and a few more things that currently have left my mind.
I have had this site for almost a year and I had stopped writting about in July when I didn't really like the direction that I had gone in. I hope to start fresh on Monday and continue from there.